TCM Guide For A Healthy Heart Routine
Summer is the perfect time to think about your heart health and changing up your health routine. It's the season for Heart Fire and let's...

TCM Detox Guide To Renew You Body and Mind
Thinking about doing a cleanse? Spring and fall are the PERFECT time to do so since these are transitional seasons. Transitional seasons...

Quickly Resolve Menopausal Symptoms With TCM
I offer a natural and effective solution for perimenopause and menopausal symptoms using TCM. Learn what TCM modalities can help you.

Chinese Medicine Offers A Natural Solution To Menopause
Are you not feeling like yourself? Do you feel like you have gone mad? You don't understand your body anymore? First off...you are not...

Can Chinese Medicine Effectively Treat Women's Health?
Can Chinese Medicine help with women's health and if so how? In this blog, I will share with you what conditions Chinese Medicine can treat

Use These Top Chinese Herbs To Boost Your Immunity Against COVID19
Now that we are faced with COVID-19, we need strategies on how to protect ourselves from contracting the virus and spreading it. This...

Acupuncture Can Effectively Treat Endometriosis
Learn how acupuncture can help treat endometriosis. We can help you get out of pain at our Chapel Hill acupuncture clinic.

Eating This Chinese Herb Will Reduce Unwanted Wrinkles
Are you struggling with wrinkles, dull complexion, or sagging skin? In this blog, I will explain the benefits of adding this Chinese herb...

Chinese Medicine Summer Guide To Healthy Eating
Did you know there is a right and wrong way to eat during the hot summer months? Chinese Medicine has refined the perfect anti-aging diet...

Greer Allergy Treatment: 3 Natural Tips To Treat Seasonal Allergies
If you are in Greer, SC and struggle with allergies then this blog is for you. Learn 3 allergy relief tips to combat seasonal allergies.