Resolve Neuropathy Fast With Acupuncture
Have neuropathy and need help? Here at our Chapel Hill acupuncture clinic we help patients resolve neuropathy.
Beat Back Pain With Acupuncture
Learn how acupuncture can effectively treat back pain.
Eating This Chinese Herb Will Reduce Unwanted Wrinkles
Are you struggling with wrinkles, dull complexion, or sagging skin? In this blog, I will explain the benefits of adding this Chinese herb...
Chinese Medicine Summer Guide To Healthy Eating
Did you know there is a right and wrong way to eat during the hot summer months? Chinese Medicine has refined the perfect anti-aging diet...
Learn How The Year Of The Pig Will Impact Your Health and Some Easy Tips To Improve Your Health
The lunar New Year started on February 5 and is the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar. So what does this have to do with...