TCM Detox Guide To Renew You Body and Mind

Thinking about doing a cleanse? Spring and fall are the PERFECT time to do so since these are transitional seasons. Transitional seasons means the growing energy of yin that leads to winter or yang that leads to summer. Supporting your liver and cleaning out your body will help to optimize your health.
In this blog, I will share some to tips that are easy to implement and you can start right away. These tips are a great introduction to cleansing and detoxing. You can even try these tips if you just want to help support your liver without doing a full blown cleanse.
The liver is a very busy organ and does a lot to keep you healthy. Here are some examples of the functions of the liver and hopefully this will give you a better understanding why liver support and cleansing is important.
Elimantes toxins
Eliminates hormones
Regulates blood sugar
Produces bile to breakdown fats
Breaks down old blood cells
Processes nutrients from the intestines
Produces cholesterol and proteins
When the liver isn't working optimally it can get congested very easily and then a whole bunch of problems start. Your digestion gets backed up and doesn't function properly. A sluggish liver while also negatively impact your emotions that can lead to feelings of irritability, anger, and even depression. Excess hormones don't get filtered out of the body which can lead to gynecologist issues.
Common Symptoms Of Liver Dysfunction According To TCM
Breast tenderness and PMS
Feelings of anger, depression, and irritability
Waking up around 2-3:00 in the mornings
Vision issues
Headaches and migraines
Discomfort under the ribs
Skin rashes and acne
Yellowing of skin and eyes
The Wonderful Benefits Of Cleansing

So why not support your liver and optimize it functions so it can feel great?
Bonus for a healthy liver...
Increase in energy
Elimination of inflammation
Weight loss
Sleep is deeper and waking up refreshed
Improve vision and eye health
Increase mental clarity
Boost your immunity
Glowing skin and complexion
Hormones are balanced and better regulated
Feel great
Eliminate addictions
Refresh Your Environment, Diet, and Mind By Eliminating Toxins
The first step is think about eliminating some toxic things from your life. There is no point of living a toxic life if you are trying to detox your liver.
I invite you to take an assessment of your life and discover what could be toxic to your health whether that's physically or emotionally. Instead try replacing it with a healthier alternative or eliminate it all together. Giving your liver some time to clean up with less obstacles will make it much easier.
Letting go of negative thoughts or eliminating triggers that contribute to negative thoughts
Avoid toxic behaviors in your relationships with people in your life
Release stored up anger and resentment
Stop the consumption of alcohol for a period time
Stop the consumption of sugars
Avoid greasy and fried foods
Replace toxic cleaning products and replace with something more natural
Replace toxic makeup, body products, and cleansers with natural beauty products
Use natural scented candles instead of toxic candles
Incorporate organic foods into your diet
Replace tap water with filtered water to drink
Avoid using plastic in the kitchen
In TCM the flavor SOUR is good for the liver and gallbladder. So a perfect way to help these organs is by drinking lemon water first thing in the mornings. Lemon water cleanses the liver and helps it flush out toxins. This organ has been very busy while you are sleeping by removing lots of toxins and excessive hormones out of your body. Sleep is when your body is repairing and rejuvenating so drinking this concoction first thing will help your liver flushing it all out.
BENEFITS OF LEMONS: 1.High in glutathione- Made in the liver and is an important antioxidant. 2. High in Vitamin C- Another antioxidant. (Antioxidants reduces oxidative damage done to cells. Think anti-aging and optimal health. ) 3. Anti-inflammatory properties- Protects against liver damage whether from drinking too much alcohol or consuming too much sugar/carbs (high insulin) LEMON WATER RECIPE:
1/4-1/2 organic lemon
8 oz filtered water and warm it up
Mix and stir. Drink this healthy liver cocktail first thing in the morning and yes that means before your coffee or tea.
Be cautious of your enamel if you have sensitive teeth.
3 Herbal Strategies To Cleanse The Liver
1. Antioxidant Herbs
Since your liver is super busy eliminating toxins; it can go under oxidative stress so it's important to add herbs that are abundant in antioxidants. There are some great herbal detox teas out there that have these herbs in it or you can brew your own tea.
Goji Berries
Milk Thistle
2. Enhance Glutathione
Glutathione is produced by the liver to help convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble so the body can excrete it out.
Burdock root
3. Increase Fiber
Fiber is important to help bind to the toxins for better elimination so increasing extra fiber is recommended when cleansing.
Psyllium Husk
Consume Foods To Help Detox And Cleanse

Now that you have thought of what foods needs to be eliminated from your diet; try to incorporate organic foods to help detoxify your liver.
Cruciferous Foods-broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, arugula, and bok choy
Beets and beet tops
Hopefully now you are equipped with some simple steps to support your liver and help it detoxify more easily.
You will definitely feel a positive shift in your health!
In Good Health,
PS: If you are interested in learning how to optimize your diet and health during the spring season, please check out this blog